Sunday, April 1, 2007

Para empezar. . .

Hoy, en inglés.

Not much interesting to say today, just that I've decided to start blogging again, but in a different place since my life has changed so significantly (and in some ways, not) since I last blogged. I've spent the last several days visiting my best friend in Atlanta, and she is a prolific and persistent blogger and now I feel inspired. Además, I'm waiting (not very patiently, by the way) to find out whether I've been selected to receive a fellowship to study Arabic in North Africa for the summer, so if I get it I'll need a way to keep everyone updated with news and photos if/when my life gets exciting again after the end of the semester. For now though, it's finals time and I have huge papers and exams to write, and, unfortunately, grade. Grading is definitely the worst part of my job. For that I should be grateful, I suppose, but don't be surprised if a tirade about grading emerges soon.

At any rate, I'm getting started again. The next month or so is likely to be stressful and unexciting, but after that there should be some more interesting posts to follow those days.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

Love that you are back on the radar but how about some translation for us non-bilinguals? I know you are peppering your entry with espagnol-ey but inquiring gringos want to know!