Tuesday, December 2, 2008

La vida nueva

I spent the fall break with my husband in our shiny new Mexican home, and exploring the most beautiful beach I've ever experienced. I arrived late Friday night, in the dark, and promptly fell asleep. I woke up on Saturday tangled in the sheets on our huge king-sized bed with the filtered morning sun coming in on me, and indulged in leftover sparkling juice and chocolate truffles from the night before. When my husband got home from the office (he works half days a few Saturdays a month) we went to the playa and I played in the clearest, softest little waves in the world (that's subjective). My husband turned to me and said, "Well, welcome to your new life!"

And so it is. I don't have a job and I have no present plans to even apply for a work visa, so I'll be spending my unemployed days writing, researching, and playing in the Sea of Cortez. Life is rough, wandering the tide pools at dusk.

Lola feels justified in taking a break.


Jane said...

Go Lola! That sounds awesome. And so relaxing. Just what you need after rocking the Masters degree like you did.

Stephanie said...

Heaven! Enjoy.

fillerupfamily said...

Lola, I'm super jealous. I told your husband that I want to come and stay for a few days. I just wish you were there so we could goof off, but you are still back in the states. Hopefully I can make it down there. PS. Still jealous.


Nicole said...

I am so jealous right now. I hate work visas and job searches. I need to emigrate. Wait, I already have.

No, seriously: I think you deserve every bit of the bliss you have ahead of you. It's been a long time coming and you worked so hard for it. And you rock, of course ;o)