Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ocupada, nada nuevo.

Following Reva's lead, I'm putting up a new post, not so much because I have something to say but because this space needs news. Sadly, I have no photos of my current dumpy hair, nor of how I wish it looked instead. Like Reva I am in desperate need of a trip to the stylist but I don't have the time. Maybe over spring break? Ha. At least Reva managed to continue looking hot through grad school. For better or for worse, I have not. Does this mean motherhood will be even worse to my appearance?

I just finished grading a quiz my kids took yesterday. Not so hot. Did I teach it poorly, or did they study poorly? Some combination of the two? Lucky thing we've got a quiz every week, so one bad quiz can't hurt anyone's grade too much. I'm tempted to go easy on them this Friday, but I'm not sure that's fair. I'm not too keen on passing out A's because I feel bad for them, but I don't want them to be discouraged, either.

In response to Kendra Leigh and Jane's comments on spouses skiing/not skiing. . .I failed to mention that we struck a deal, my husband and I, and so far I'm holding up my end. We agreed: if I learn to ski, he will learn to dance. It's all a little painful for both of us at times. Here's hoping. . .

I have to go. More reading. I am making a truly sincere attempt this semester to stay organized and stay ahead on my readings and blog postings (the academic ones, that is) and homework problems and lesson plans and all of that, and I have to say it's much more taxing than the lo-haré-mañana approach (well, duh). So far, so good, but we'll see how long this lasts.

Evidentiality and transitivity, here I come!


Jane said...

Ah, well, if the man is willing to dance...
As for the students - sad to say most of them don't care as much as you do about their academic life. Have a mini brainstorming session - like less than 8 minutes - about why they didn't do well. If they don't offer anything then screw 'em. If they do, you will know that the issue is they didn't study. :-) You're awesome, we all know it!

Rocketgirl said...

Are you KIDDING ME?? You were not there every day in grad school, I did my homeword every day with 2 gay guys that were constantly horrified by my appearance. And let's face it, I was living in AZ where your entire worth as a human is directly proportional to your highlights and lipgloss shade. I had to try at least every now and then. You lucky devil, all you have to do is flip your latin hair and hips and all living things swoon.