Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Día soleado

I think the meds are finally starting to kick in and the sleepy side effects are beginning to wear off. I've been progressing back toward my normal morning-person self the last couple of days. Keep your digits crossed that the trend continues.

Through the stress of this semester, I've had a bright spot that I've mentioned before, and that is teaching. It keeps me focused. Some days, it's the only thing that musters my focus. More than that, by coincidence or providence, I have a great group of kids this semester. There are, as always, a couple that aggravate me now and then, but for the most part they are good, motivated, fun, hard-working students, and a higher-than average number of them are consistently pleasant and prepared. Because today is sunny and beautiful, we went outside for class today. I'm always a little hesitant to do it because of the inherent distraction, but today these kids exceeded my expectations. We went outside on a gorgeous sunny day, and they stayed focused and on-task the entire fifty-minute period. We're going through some confusing grammar right now, and they plowed right through it like troopers. Good kids, I tell you. Today has been one of those days that I feel less insecure about the future in the hands of our youth.

I sound like such a vieja sometimes.

Last night I had an unexpected surge of motivation (I tell you, the meds are kicking in) and busted through the first chapter of Wheelock's Latin. I'm probably speaking too soon because I haven't gotten to any noun declensions yet, but Latin's not so bad. I'd even say easy. Anyway, I had a couple of mini-epiphanies about the vosotros conjugations in Spanish, and how they came almost directly out of Latin. Vosotros, no me fastidiáis más. Ahora os entiendo.

Lola sees a light at the end of the tunnel, and so far it's not a freight train.


Jane said...

Yay for meds that work and don't make us want to puke!!
Hopefully your class of awesome students will spread throughout the rest of the nation. We could sure use it.

cabritilla said...

Puedes entrar a:
Para Ingrid Betancourt+faustos dimitrakis.
Guido Jalil