Friday, April 11, 2008

Más nieve, otra vez

It snowed yesterday. Again. Sloppy, wet, heavy spring snow. It was only pretty for a couple of hours, and then it started falling off the trees and rooftops and onto our passerby heads beneath in cold, wet clumps. Anyway, it didn't make for bad roads, at least not here.

I'm updating, yet again, not because I have anything to say, but because I feel obligated. Is that a good enough reason, or is it a sign that I should quit this thing altogether?

The semester is almost over, and it's not nearly as ugly as the last one. I'm taking only two classes, both of which I enjoy, both of which have manageable final projects and no exam, and teaching is going well. I think I'm going to have to fail a few students, though, and it pains me. Why should it? They're irresponsible, and I only give out the grades that they've earned, but I still feel rotten about it. I have to remind myself that some students earn an A, others a B, and some earn an F. I'm not doing anyone a favor by passing them to the next level when they're not prepared for it. On the flip side, I anticipate assigning a few more A grades than usual this semester. There are some very serious, hard-working students in my class this semester.

In other good news, the meds are doing their job (read: I'm sleeping and not crying every day) without robbing me of my creativity. If anything, with the upswing in motivation I'm more apt to write down my ideas, which come more freely (surprisingly) and aren't as dark as they were before. The other day I started writing about my childhood experiences with Barbie. Still dark, but in that humor-noir way, and not outright depressing. I'm aspiring to the feminine counterpart of David Sedaris. Set the bar high, right?

I have to meet with a student. Such is the life.

Lola wants some sunshine.


Rocketgirl said...

It's gotta be Seasonal Affective Disorder but when the sun escapes behind the clouds I have a cloud around me too.

You should take some sick pleasure in ruining the college records of those kids who are really doing the ruining themself. Okay, I would... so that maybe means I need to up my meds...

Jane said...

Don't quit the blog Lola! What would I do without my fix? Good luck with the final projects! It's hard to see someone who could do well, not. But as you say, they earned the F. Maybe it will teach them nothing comes without work? Love the updates. Truly.