Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I apologize at the first for the lack of paragraph formatting. Blogger has recently redone its page and I assume that the formatting is a little kink that is soon to be worked out. In the meantime, bear with me as it appears I have a penchant for running all my thoughts together.

So, today we ventured out to the library. It's inside the Yup'ik cultural center, but the good news is that it is indeed a public facility-- some facilities here are exclusively for Native use, and I hoped desperately that the library wasn't one of them. It isn't, hooray! The children's books are in a separate little room, brightly painted and with pictures on the ceiling. They have a decent selection of picture pictures, including a small collection of board books. I was so excited to find a bilingual edition of a Richard Scarry counting book, with Willy el Conejito alongside Willy the Bunny. LittleBit was more interested in running around the room and climbing on the furniture, and we only got up to cinco before he was out of my lap and roaming. That's alright, though, since I'm sure we'll be back to the library a few days a week and we have months and months ahead of us to read together. We have only two of his own books with us, so it'll be good to change it up with library books.

In other news, we went back to the grocery store today so that I could pick up some Tylenol, as I felt a headache coming on. I was momentarily tempted by the nacho cheese Doritos, but at $12 a bag they were not a temptation worth yielding to. I feel some much-needed weight loss on the horizon, since I can't justify the cost of junk food.

And yuck, a foul breeze just came in the window. The people of Bethel may be kind and friendly, but their town smells like poo.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Glad the library is public!! I'm not one for Doritos..but how much is a bag of M&Ms?